Wednesday 2 December 2015

BLA ETECH PVT LTD- A Leading EMI Filter Manufacturer

BLA ETECH PVT LTD, a leading name as best quality  manufacturer and  supplier of customized EMI filters, is well known for producing efficient product designs so as to make the power line noise free and quiet for traffic.

The basic aim of any kind of filter is to suppress the effect of all types of noisy emissions, which occur in the power line and may result in either hampering the data or its complete loss. The filter specifications depend on the type of disturbances, which may be electromagnetic, or radio. The kind of filter used in the radio emissions is known as the RFI Filter. 

The sources through which such emissions exist may be either natural or man- made. This noise may occur from the equipment itself, because of the external environment it possess, or from the power cord attached to it. For both these different situations, the solution is different. Using the power line filter and proper shielding of the device is the best solution to overcome this hurdle.

Another important product manufactured by BLA ETECH is inductor chokes, which is basically used to allow direct current (DC) to flow in an electronic circuit, by blocking the high range AC or, alternating current.

These chokes are primarily a power supply filter element, and are responsible to resist any kind of variation in current flow. They are actually iron core units, and with better filtering, they will more prone to work for voltage drop. 

 They have different specifications to be used in various
range of applications, which require different frequencies of energy. So, for achieving noise free power line, BLA ETECH is the best place to find excellent quality filter design with required specifications.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Use Tempest Filters to make power line really quiet

It is a high performance power filter which has the excellent feature of low power dissipation for various applications. For better results, these filters are RF sealed in high quality cases of electro plated steel. It is manufactured by using the high speed capacitors. They also have the less size and minimal leakage current, along with the usage of inductor technology for enhancing the performance in various areas such as pulse handling applications. 

Another factor for assuring performance in the Tempest Filters is the permanent earthing of the case, which also adds security points to the device and the network of the power circuit as well. These devices are also more delicate to orientation and so must be handled with care while installation. Next benefit is the insertion loss that helps this filter to stand strongly in the rough noisy circumstances.

The application areas of this efficient product are very wide, ranging from screened rooms, anechoic chambers, and similar one. They have the robust design and fan less silent operation that makes them really simple to use. Its full frequency spectrum and Quadruple filtered outputs are the additional benefits making this product design more reliable.

They are basically designed to be used in the single phase mains, as they use inductors for current compensation. Moreover, the wide range filtering capabilities helps in easily reducing the noisy emissions or any kind of the disturbances conducted on the power line.

BLA Etech Pvt Ltd is a leading manufacturer and supplier of customized EMI filters. We deliver the best prĂ©cised quality to our customers to reach their utmost satisfaction and works genuinely to achieve the same in the best possible way. 

Our recent product is the FN series filters, which is a two stage filter, with the basic use in the noisy applications. They offer the best quality attenuation to make the power circuit really quiet and flawless.

Monday 21 September 2015

DC Filters- An Efficient Way to Make Power Line Quiet

With a great attenuation performance, this series of filters are of great use in combating the EMI interferences in the DC power line. EMI are actually the kind of electromagnetic disturbances which may hamper the power line by infecting the data or completing destroying it. So a filter is the exact solution to control the noisy emissions and thus to work on a smooth power line in any electronic circuit.

The DC filters is the enhanced version of the customized filters which can be used in range of applications including the modems, hubs, wireless cabinets, repeater and other network routing and communications equipment. 
The basic need of this equipment is for managing unbalanced loads especially from the transformer, and so it has been put in the primary windings and mains of the transformer. The kind of emissions produced here are called as humming, and thus the primary task of the DC filters is to keep the network of the power line smooth and quiet. 

The specific application areas or functions of this equipment includes reducing EMI radiation, to protect solar panels, as they have high differential and common mode attenuation, nominal voltage and an efficient rated current. 

There are so many versions of these filters that also offer the possibility of ground connections as well. Precisely, they are specifically designed for the unique requirements of DC applications.

BLA Etech Pvt Ltd is a leading name as the customized EMI filter manufacturer along with the DC filters, RFI and power line filters, with all the required specifications made as needed by the clients. We produce the best quality products to achieve client satisfaction.

Thursday 13 August 2015

All about RFI and DC Filters

To Reduces Electromagnetic Interface

Let’s talk about RFI filters

RFI that is Radio Frequency Interface is just a name for Electro Magnetic Interface (EMI) is a type of electronic emission that can degrade, impair or prevent the performance of electrical circuit. This can be generated from both man made and natural sources, and they can be wanted or unwanted. RFI filters can both conducted or radiated that means they are set along the power and signal lines or they can also be promoted in free space. This filter can be damaging too many important and useful applications like hospital machinery or military devices. RFI is a subset of electrical noise on the EMI filters or spectrums.

Effects of RFI in electrical system and how to reduce those effects

If you are experiencing interface with your telephone system, flickering computer monitors, reliability issues with the computer networks or misbehaving electronics that you are experiencing RFI in your electrical surroundings. Electronic circuit may become unreliable, as they are difficult to control.

Depending on the type of application that you are using, there are ways to reduce the effects. For conducted RFI, you can choose a large range of RFI, chokes, and pulse transformers. For Radiated RFI, you can choose from large range of shielding products

What are DC FILTERS?

If we are talking about DC filters that are direct current filters, they are the unidirectional flow or movement of electric charge carrying electrons. The intensity of the current can vary with time, but he general direction of the movement is same every time. In DC circuits, electrons generates from negative, or minus, pole and move towards the positive or plus pole. DC filters travelling from plus to minus. All electronic and computer hardware needs Direct Circuit filters most solid state equipments requires between 1.5 and 13.5 volts.

Different features of DC filters

Different features of DC filters are as follows:-

·         They are designed for suppressing DC power line disturbances.

·         They have high performance, temperature is low and their prices are very low.

·         The use of direct current is ensured to the various power supplies.

·         Compact and high density

BLA Etech Pvt Ltd introduces themselves as the leading manufacturers of RFI and DC filters. We offer our clients an optimum quality single/three phase filters. The products provided by us are used in power supplies. Our EMI filters are offered to reduce and attenuate unwanted signal strengths. RFI filters are used in computer, radio transmitter, receivers and electrical devices.

 Read More about EMI Filters and Power Solutions

Wednesday 29 July 2015

How Emi Emc Filters Affects the Electric Circuits

Electromagnetic interface (EMI) is the disturbance that affects a circuit due to electromagnetic induction or radiation that is produced from external source. It is also known as RFI that is Radio Frequency Interface. It is also used to suppress the conducted interface that is generated by any equipment or circuit. It also causes malfunctions of equipment.

There are many forms of electromagnetic interference, EMI that can affect circuits and prevent them from working in the way that was intended. EMI - electromagnetic interference can arise from many sources, being either man made or natural. It can also have a variety of characteristics dependent upon its source and the nature of the mechanism giving rise to the interference.

All electronic equipment produced today includes EMI filtering circuits. Likewise, all switch-mode power supplies have internal EMI filters. However, there are circumstances where the EMI filters within these electronic devices require a supplemental filter to meet more stringent electrical noise regulations or to protect the device from excessive external noise sources.

Electromagnetic compatibility is a near perfect state in which a device or system functions satisfactory in the electromagnetic environment, without producing disturbance in the Electromagnetic interface.

Effects of Emi Filters:

·         Disturbance in radio and TV due to operation of blinder, shaver or a moving vehicle.
·         Formatting of data or resetting of computer.

·         Malfunctioning of Flight Controlling System due to use of mobile phones or laptop.
·         Biological hazards

·         Failure of pace maker due to use of Walkie-Talkie.

Sources of Emi Filters

·         Refrigerator, washing machines

·         Electric shavers, blinders, mixer grinder

·         Power supply cords of computers or laptops

·         Military equipments

·         Fast switching digital devices.

·         Laboratory Equipments

·         Overhead Cranes

·         Energy Management Systems

BLA Etech is the best Indian manufacturing company providing world-class products of Emi emc filters. We have experienced team of experts for products that are offered by us. We offer many electrical solutions or products. Our products are ISO and CSA certified with best quality guarantee. We have built a strong reputation among all the Emi Emc filter manufacturers.

BLA Etech name or products are enough for your satisfaction. Products and services are provided by us all over the world. Our products range from 1 Amps to higher currents of 2500 Amps. Standard, Cross reference & customized filters are our forte. Our Emi Emc filters offerings proven skills and experiences. We have now got different brand of our company throughout the world.